Tuesday, February 11, 2025 3:25:05 PM Due to an event at Harry Hurst tonight, the 5/6 East Bank Boys Basketball divisional games scheduled have moved to the Edward A Dufresne Center court 1 and 2 at 6:30pm. The following teams will be affected by this move. 5/6 Boys East Bank Division. Tue-Feb 11 6:30 PM EAD Gym Court 1 (new location) Norco-Long-Pelicans vs Destrehan-Olivier-Pelicans Tue-Feb 11 6:30 PM EAD Gym Court 2 (new location) Norco-Dunn-Pelicans vs Destrehan-August-Pelicans
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 10:59:06 AM Due to ongoing and unsafe weather conditions all-parish facilities will be closed Thursday January 23rd. As a result, and for precautionary measures all recreation basketball games have been cancelled for Thursday January 23rd. Only the playoff games scheduled on Thursday will be rescheduled. We have updated the schedules for each league affected. Please check the schedule site for any and all changes. 11-13 Girls games now on Friday 1/24 at the EADCC Court 2@ 5:45pm & 6:30pm 13-15 Boys games now on Monday 1/27 @ Hurst / RK @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, & 7:15pm 9-10 B Boys games now on Thursday 1/30 @ Hurst @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, & 7:15pm All other games will remain as scheduled on Saturday January 25th. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during the historical event. SCPRD
Monday, January 20, 2025 5:43:31 PM All leagues with regular season games on Tuesday and Wednesday will be canceled no matter what. All playoffs’ games will be moved from Wednesday to Thursday using the available gyms. We will still have our original gym and games use on Thursday, which will be EADCC 1, EADCC 2, and Sacred Heart. This will push us to using locations on Thursday including Hurst, Landry, and RK Smith for playoffs games. However, the 11-13 girls' games have been moved to Friday January 24 at the EADCC Court 2 at 5:45pm and 6:30pm. Please see the following revisions this will be updated to the schedule please view your league schedule as for the new time and location. Thursday January 23rd 9-10 Boys A EADCC 1 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, and 7:15pm (Original scheduled game no changes) 9-10 Boys B EADCC 1 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, and 7:15pm (Original scheduled game no changes) 9-10 Girls Sacred Heart Gym @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm (Original scheduled game no changes) 13-15 Boys Hurst Gym moved to Thursday 1/23 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, and 7:15pm 11-12 A Boys Landry Gym moved to Thursday 1/23 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm 13-15 Boys RK Smith Gym moved to Thursday 1/23 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, and 7:15pm Friday January 24th 11-13 Girls EADCC Gym Court 2 moved to Friday 1/24 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm (Playoff game 2 officials) Will moved the 5-6 yr old game on Friday on EADCC Court 2 at 5:45pm to EADCC Court 1 at 6:45pm. In the event this event is continued into Thursday. Thursday's games will become Saturday games with some extended games and will lead into possible Sunday play or Monday depending on official and gym staff availability. This information will be posted to this schedule site, and the schedule will be revised with the changes.
Saturday, January 18, 2025 1:35:45 PM Due to the the potential for ice and snow, and prolonged below freezing temperatures in St. Charles Parish, ALL recreation games snd practices scheduled for Tuesday have been canceled.
Friday, January 17, 2025 4:09:14 PM All, We are monitoring the weather and will make the necessary decisions based on the forecast and the recommended steps to take based on that forecast. First and foremost, the safety of our participants is the upmost of importance. In the event games for Tuesday and Wednesday get canceled, please check the schedule site, website, and Facebook for decisions made. Updates will be posted. Playoff games will have to be moved to the next available playing day.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 4:43:35 PM Attention: We just received word from Cammon Middle School that we will not be able to use the gym tonight, as the gym is set up with chairs and staging for an awards banquet tomorrow. We apologize for any inconvenience, as we understand the frustration of having gyms pulled from us affecting our scheduled program. This will directly affect the 9-10 B Boys basketball games at Cammon We will do our best to reschedule the games affected.
Thursday, January 2, 2025 4:06:20 PM Unfortunately, Landry Gym is not completed as they are painting the stands, so we have to move the games scheduled there on Saturday January 4th to JB Martin Gym. Game times will remain the same. The move will affect the 7 yr Boys West Bank Schedule and 11-12 Boys A Division schedule. All revisions are updated and live for you to view.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 3:34:11 PM Unfortunately, Landry Gym is pushed back another day from completion, so we have to move the games scheduled there on Wednesday December 18th. We have decided to move the games and times for tomorrow Wednesday 12/18 to the following gyms and times. Since it is 2 teams from the same side of the river, we have revised to accommodate travel. This move will affect the 11-13 Girls games: Wed-Dec 18 Mimosa-Galliano-Mystics v Luling-Mitchell-Mercury 5:45 PM EAD Gym Court 1 (New revised 12/17) Wed-Dec 18 Destrehan-Brady-Fever v Destrehan-Ward-Liberty 6:30 PM Cammon GYM (New revised 12/17)
Monday, December 16, 2024 3:12:17 PM Good Afternoon, Due to middle school games at JB Martin on Tuesday December 17th and Landry gym not being available, we have moved the following games for tomorrow to other gyms. Please see updated schedule below: Tue-Dec 17 Destrehan-Clark-Pelicans v Luling-D. Brown-Pelicans 5:45 PM Sacred Heart Gymnasium revised 12/16 Tue-Dec 17 Destrehan-Delatte-Pelicans v Destrehan-Stuart-Pelicans 6:30 PM Sacred Heart Gymnasium revised 12/16 Tue-Dec 17 Mimosa-Mitchell-Pelicans v Luling-Dunvault-Pelicans 7:15 PM EAD Gym Court 1 revised 12/16
Monday, December 16, 2024 10:13:40 AM There was an error on the 9-10 Girls game on 12/16/24 between Luling-Isaac- Sky v Destrehan- Ellsworth-Mystics. The game was scheduled at 7:15pm at Landry, but it supposed to be at 6:30 at Sacred Heart. Please view the schedule as the new time and gym is posted.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 3:50:30 PM ATTENTION: The Basketball schedules have been released. Please make sure you periodically check your schedules as unforeseen changes can occur daily due to the dependency and availability using the school facilities. Changes have been made to the schedules since release due to the following: Middle School basketball moving of games and location and Landry gym floor construction. These changes have impacted some schedules for next week and on December 4th at Hurst Gym.
Monday, November 28, 2022 10:10:35 AM Below are the Guidelines that will be followed during the SCPRD Basketball Sports Season, as it relates to Indoor Recreation Practice and Indoor Recreation Games. Indoor Basketball Practice / Indoor Basketball Games Once the game / practices are over, we kindly ask that all participants promptly exit the facility for staff to clean and sanitize the area. This is done to ensure that the next scheduled practice / game can start on time. We kindly ask players, coaches, and spectators not to gather in the Lobby/Hallway of the EAD Community Center, Sacred Heart Gym, and St. Charles Parish Public School Gymnasiums. We kindly ask that Coaches, Players, and spectators wait until it is their scheduled game / practice time to enter the facility. Gymnasiums will open the doors at 5:30pm. Please enter the gym at your scheduled time. Restroom will be available for use; we kindly ask to please wash hands and throw away trash in the trash receptacles. Concessions will be sold @ EAD Community Center, outside food and drink will not be allowed inside the gym other than a water for the player. We recommend players bringing their own water or drink into the gym with their name on it. Please remember RED DRINK will not be allowed in the gymnasium, because of the stains that it causes to the floor. Spectators who disrupt the integrity of the game will be asked to leave the gym. We encourage all spectators, coaches, and players to have a fun and safe experience. Gross misbehavior including but not limited to; vulgarity, verbale abuse, and physical abuse will not be tolerated and said person(s) will be asked to leave the facility. Individuals refusing to do so will result in law enforcement intervention. In result, said individual could face a ban of 2 years in attending or participating in St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Programs .
Friday, March 17, 2017 12:59:43 PM

Players Safety:


A concussion is a brain injury that can be caused by a blow or jolt to the head and can change the way the brain normally works. Any concussion is serious whether mild or severe. They can also be caused by a blow to the body that causes the head to move rapidly back and forth and causes the brain to strike the surrounding skull. Concussions most often do NOT result in loss of consciousness - only 10% involve loss of consciousness. In the past concussion laws have only applicable to school-sponsored athletics or to activities taking place on school-owned property. Some laws are applicable to all youth sports organizations, whether affiliated or not with a school district. The Department of Parks and Recreation strongly encourages all coaches and players to comply with any applicable laws and to review the information and training materials on concussions which are available free of charge on the Centers For Disease Control website at:

Thursday, August 4, 2011 2:58:11 PM

Youth Football Development Video for Youth Football Coaches


Player Progression Development Model


Player Progression Development Model (P.P.D.M.)

Each age requires a different approach to training and development. The Player Progression Development Model was built to ensure that players get the best and most appropriate training for their age. The complete system guides coaches, players and parents with our age base courses, our 3D animated Drill library and our Film Room video techniques, all designed to make a better, safer game.

Select an age group above for more details.

Each age group has 11 Components that make up a complete development plan.

  • Physcial Skills
  • Mental, Emotional & Social
  • Technical Skills
  • Game Development
  • Team Warmups
  • Training: Volume & Intensity
  • Planning
  • Competition
  • Ration: Training to game
  • Coaching Certification
  • Parents’ Priorities