Please Note: Any player over the weight limit for their age group is not allowed to play on special teams and must play on the offensive and /or defensive line only. If a parent does not want their child to play on the line, the parent has the right to let their child play up an age group if and only if they are over the max weight for that particular age group. If a player weighs over the max limit for ages 10 and under he must then play up an age group. Unless there is not an 11-12 league, than said player will stay in his appropriate age group and will only be restricted to play on offensive line and defensive line only.
4. All players must have a copy of their birth certificate on file with the Recreation Department.
5. All players must be on a team roster in order to be allowed to participate in game.
6. All players must be registered to participate in football.
7. All players must be weighed prior to the 1st game (Max allowance of one (1) weigh in).
1. The Recreation Department will provide the following football equipment for all players. This will include: helmets (no paint allowed on helmets), shoulder pads, and a chin strap. The coach will receive a football.
2. Your Booster Club will provide your uniform that is included in your registration fee.
3. Players must provide their own cleats (metal cleats are not allowed) socks, mouthpieces and protective cups.
4. All players must wear complete protective uniforms in order to be allowed on the field. This includes mandatory mouthpieces and chinstraps must be fastened at all times.
5. The recreation will be responsible for the marking and lining of the field prior to play.
6. Coaches will be held accountable for team equipment not turned in at end of the season.
7. Players must wear only clear visors, players will not be allowed to wear dark visors on their helmet. Players with a dark visor will not be allowed to play a down until the visor is removed. This is a safety issue and an LHSAA equipment rule.
Game Rules
1. All players must play a minimum of one (1) full quarter.
2. Players may be benched for disciplinary reason or missed practice.
3. The head referee has the authority to remove players from the game for continuous flagrant violations that threaten the safety of players and will not be allowed to participate in the next game. A written appeal must be submitted to the Recreation Department no later than 48 hours for consideration in the removal of the suspension.
4. A coach may not take their team from the field during the game. PENALTY: Possible dismissal of coach and forfeiture of game. This coach will automatically be suspended for a minimum of one (1) year from coaching in St. Charles Parish.
5. League games will be played on Saturdays. In the event of rain rainout games will not be rescheduled. Games may only be rescheduled due to school functions.
6. There will be a fifteen (15) minute grace period for the first game of the day only.
*Teams must be ready to play and on the field by the end of the grace period. Coaches must have their teams check-in prior to start of their game. If a team has not checked-in a 10 yard penatly will be assessed at the start of the game.*
7. A five yard penalty will be issued if a player on the field does not have their mouthpieces in or chinstrap secure.
8. A penalty will be enforced at the time of the infraction this includes the following:
·Offside, Encroachment, Neutral Zone Infraction, Illegal Procedure, Too many men in motion, False Starts, etc.
9. There will be no kickoffs please reference rules 12 and 13 regarding kicking .
10. There will be three (3) time-outs per half for all age group, but the clock will run except the last two minutes of the first half and the second half, with ten (10) minutes allowed for half-time.
11 Start of Possession:
12. No Kick-offs the 7-12 year olds- Offensive team will start on their 30 yard line at the start of the game. In the 9-12 age groups if a team elects to punt, the ball will be placed from where the ball is caught and or where the ball first touches the ground. THERE WILL BE NO PUNTING IN THE 7/8 AGE GROUP.
13. In the 7/8 age group the offensive team receiving the free punt will start at the 20-yard placement, the ball cannot be placed inside the defensive team’s 20 –yard line at any time regardless of the spot of the ball.
14. Only one (1) coach will be allowed on the field for 7-8 year olds. Coaches must be outside the hashes before the ball is snapped. There will be no penalty for talking beofre the play.
· Once the coaches get their players set, all coaches on the field must be on the outside of the hashes away from the area of play. (result 5 yard penalty)
15. All major penalties will be 10 yards and all minor penalties will be 5 yards.
16. Minutes per quarters/Playing Field:
7-8 yr old (8 min. run time)
Huddle: 30 seconds
Playing Field:
(7&8)= 100/50
9-10 & 11/12yr olds (10 min run time)
Huddle: 25 seconds
Playing field: 100/50
17. There will be a ten (10) minutes allowed for half-time.
18. Clock will only stop within the last 2(two) minutes of the 2nd and 4th quarter. (Clock will stop for injury timeouts)
19. The Interior Line: One (1) foot for guards and tackles – Must have seven (7) on the line of scrimmage at all times.
20. Defense Rules: 7-8 yr. olds
·Any defense may be used with the exception that no defensive player may line up over the Center. Linebackers must be (5) yards off the ball.
·No restrictions inside the 10 yard line.
Defense 9-10 & 11- 12yr. olds:
·Any defense may be used with the exception that,
·No Defensive player may line up over the center. Linebackers that play from Offensive tackle to Offensive tackle must be at least (5) yards off the ball.
·No restriction inside the ten (10) yard line.
·No restrictions outside the tackles.
21. In the event of a tie game: The winner of the flip will get to choose offense or defense. The ball will then be place on the ten (10) yard line and the offensive team will have four (4) downs to score. If the offensive team should score, the ball will then be turned over to the defensive team to allow them four (4) downs to score. If the score remains scoreless, each team will have another four (4) downs each to try to score to end the game.
22. Extra points for all age groups:
·Extra point: Ball will be placed on the three (3) yard line.
·Two points: Ball will be placed on the five (5) yard line.
·Field Goal: No Field Goal attempts will be allowed.
23. Coaches and players on the sidelines must stay inside the 25 –yard line. Failure to do so will result in a 5-yard penalty. No video or still cameras will be allowed on the sidelines or in the press box while the game is in progress.
24. Play-off will be determined by seeding and the number of teams participating in the age group.
25. The end of the season will consist of a playoff system between the top 4 teams within each league for the 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12 age groups. Teams making the playoffs will be seeded and determined by the overall win-loss record and point differential. (A coin toss will only be used for teams having the same exact record Meaning; win / loss and point differential.)
26. If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 985-783-5090.
Miscellaneous Rules
1. Team roster along with the team picture will be presented to field attendant prior to each game. All players must be in numerical order and easily seen in team picture for team check-in.
2. There will be a maximum of 38 players allowed on roster and players may not be added to the roster after 1st game. Exception: players that move into the parish after the 1st game will be allowed to be added to the roster, but no later than half the season left.
3. Coaches are allowed to coach outside of their booster club boundaries: however their children will not be allowed to participate outside of the boundaries.
4. Only four (4) Coaches 1 Head Coach and 3 assistants per team will be allowed on the sidelines with proper team passes.
5. Only the Recreation Department has the authority to reschedule a game or postpone a game.
6. Under no circumstances will a team be allowed to compete against a out of parish team without the approval of the Recreation Department.
7. Any team that forfeits two consecutive games will be dropped from the league.
8. All game protests must be completed and turned within twenty-four (24) hours of game.
1. All coaches, players, parents and fans are expected to conduct themselves in a respectable manner. Coaches should instill attitude and team sportsmanship.
2. Ridicule of “razz” or profanity by coaches or members of the team made towards officials opposing team will not be tolerated. Coaches using profanity during a game or practice will not be allowed to coach until a Mandatory Sportmanship course is completed.
3. There will be no use of alcoholic or tobacco products at any time, on or off the field.
4. Cheating or gross misbehavior will lead to the termination of coaching for Recreation Department for a period of two (2) years (this includes players, coaches and spectators).
5. Any player or coach removed from the game for unsportsmanlike conduct must leave the field immediately, failure to do so will result in a team forfeit. The coach or coaches/players ejected will be suspended from the team’s next game. The ejected will not be allowed to step on the field before or during the game at anytime that he or she has been suspended from. However, they will be allowed to watch from the bleachers but will not be allowed to coach from the stands. (Forfeits do not count as a game played). The second penalty on the same person during any other game will result in the termination for the remainder of the season.
Coaches who have been ejected from a game or practice will not be allowed to coach until a Mandatory Sportmanship course is completed.