Slow Pitch Softball Rules & Regulations










The philosophy of the St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Department is simple.  We are here to provide quality administration for a quality softball program.



All league participants must be 18 years of age or older by August 1.


PENALTY- Violation of the above rules will result in immediate removal of the player/s from the league and forfeiture of the game/s in which the illegal player participated.



 The league will be governed by the USSSA rules with modifications to the rules as indicated.



All players will be required to have a valid Driver’s License or ID. You must have ID present at every game in case a protest occurs. NO EXCEPTIONS!!



Teams must begin play with players present at game time provided they have at least eight (8) players.  Any loss of players below the minimum for whatever reason will constitute a forfeit. 



All games will begin promptly at the scheduled time.  These times will be on league schedule given to the coach or manager.  Exception: There will be a ten (10) minute grace period from the scheduled starting of the first game of the night.  (Only the first game of the night will have the grace period, any team thereafter not ready to play at the start of the following games will have to forfeit.)  Game times are 6:00PM, 7:00PM, 8:00PM and 9:00PM


Playing days: Adult Softball League -  Wednesday 





  • Games will be one (1) hour time or seven (7) innings
  • No inning will start after fifty-five (55) minutes
  • Any game ending in a tie and the time limit has expired; one inning will be allowed to break a tie game. If the time has expired, a tie game will count as ½ win and ½ loss.




Season will consist of a 10-12 Game Season (weather permitting).

The End of season tournament will be Single Elimination and seeded by league standings.

The Single Elimination tournament will be located at the bottom of the scheduling page.The top of the bracket is the Home Team.  

Games will be played during the week..




Bases will be and 70 feet for men.  Pitching distance will be 50 feet for men 



The schedule will determine home team.  The umpire is responsible for keeping the official score.



Each batter will start with a count of one (1) and one (1).  (1 ball & 1 strike). (clarification of rule: If a player hits a foul ball after the second strike you receive one more pitch, if said player hits another foul ball after the 1st foul ball that batter is out.) Any player, who uses an illegal bat while batting, shall constitute as an out.  (Note: NO Senior Bats Allowed)



The termination of games will be in accordance with the USSSA Rule Book, or if a team is leading by fifteen (15) or more runs at the completion of the fifth (5th) inning thereafter.



Courtesy runner will only be allowed in case of injury, the last batted out will be the runner.  The injured player will not be allowed to re-enter the game.  



Home run limit is six (6).  After six (6), it will count as an out.



The St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Department does not postpone games except for inclement weather, unsuitable playing conditions, or light failure.  In the event of rainy weather, if time permits, our office will notify managers of rained-out games.  If possible, only managers may call recreation office after 3:00 PM or check the schedule under the news portion to find out if games are off. Rain-out games will not be rescheduled.


Once the game has begun, the umpire will have the right to terminate the game.  In the absence of a staff member, the umpire will assume the responsibility of determining if the field is suitable for play.  This decision is not subject to protest.  Game cancellations will be posted on our website:



Will be decided upon by the Department of Parks and Recreation. Decision will be based upon best use of calendar of dates.



Games will be forfeited in accordance with USSSA Rules.  Exception: Starting with eight (8) players.  Any team forfeiting two (2) consecutive games will be dropped from the league playoffs.  A total of three (3)-forfeited games will result in the team being dropped from the league.  (Entrance fee will not be refunded.) If your team is unable to make the game a representative from your team must call the Parks and Recreation office or email in the to notify of the cancelation. 



All games protested must be based on a playing rule.  No protest will be accepted based solely on a decision involving the accuracy of judgment on the part of an umpire.  All protests must be made orally to the umpire at the times of the play.  That is, before the next pitch to the batter, or the next live ball situation, immediately following the protested play.


Following the oral protest, a written protest must be filed with or mailed to the St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Department no later than 24 hours after playing the game.  The head coach, or if absent, the acting head coach must file the protest.


If protest is allowed, the game will be resumed from that point with the correct decisions being made.  All protests of player eligibility must be specific and definite proof must be submitted in writing.


If protest is made of any possible illegal player or players, driver’s license or proper identification will be used.




If protest is allowed, all games in which said player participated will be forfeited to the opposition.



If teams, players, managers, or coaches play in an excessively rough manner or behave in any way that is detrimental to the best conduct of the game, a written grievance may be lodged against them with specific facts being noted.  The St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Department’s Assistant Director in charge of the adult program will take disciplinary action if necessary.  Umpires are covered by this rule also.



There are two scheduled umpires for each game in the Adult Softball Leagues.

If there are no umpires present for the scheduled game, both coaches and managers of each team may agree to play the game with a team representative from each team acting as umpires.  If this is agreed upon, this decision is not subject to protest.

If decision to play the game is not agreed upon between both coaches and managers, the game will be postponed and made up at the end of the regular season.


In the event that only one (1) umpire is present for the scheduled game, the game will be played and counted as an official game and included in the team’s won-loss record.  This is not subject to protest.



St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation will provide the game ball for every game. The ball is provided by the Department of Parks and Recreation. If any teams do not use the ball provided by the recreation department that game can result in a forfeit. The ball will be issued by the umpires at the start of each game.


·       If any team is caught altering the make-up of the above referenced ball their team will be disqualified from the league without refund.

·         Any USSSA or ASA bats are allowed in the league. (No SENIOR league bats)

·         No metals cleats allowed.


Uniform shirts are recommended but not be required however, Each player must have at least a 2” number on the front or the back of their jersey.  Each player should have their own number on their jersey. 


If caps are worn, they must be worn correctly.



  All league rosters are unlimited. (However we will only pay for 15 individual awards.)  All rosters must be completed in full and turned in to the Recreation Department before league play begins.


Once league play has begun, players can be added up to the 2nd game only to the existing rosters.


Teams using players not on their final roster shall automatically forfeit any game in which said players participated.  The manager who allows a player not on his/her roster to participate, and the players knowingly plays illegally will be suspended immediately and indefinitely. The length of the suspension and date of reinstatement shall be based upon the decision of St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Assistant Director in charge of adult softball.



Entrance fees must be paid one week prior to the first scheduled game or you will not be placed on the schedule. Deadline for fees is August 1st. There will be no exceptions.



In the event a team withdraws or leaves the league involuntarily; their entrance fee will not be refunded to them.



St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Department requires each player to sign a waiver release form.  This form must be turned into the Recreation Department before the player can participate.



Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any park owned by St. Charles Parish School System.  Ice chests containing alcoholic beverages are not permissible inside the park. 



Smoking is not allowed on the playing field or in the dug out by a player, coach, manager, or umpire. 



The league champions will be determined by a play-off system.  The team’s won-loss record will determine league standings and the play-off format and will be calculated using the program software on the scheduling site.  You may call us the same night and leave it on our recorder or you may call us the next business day. We need this information to have accurate standings. 985-783-5090


In case of exact records for any teams for play-off positions, the following tiebreaker rules will apply:

            1.  Win Loss Record.

            2.  Point Differential.


NOTE: For a player to be eligible for play-off games, the player must have actively participated in three (3) league games.



Awards will be given to the 1st and 2nd place teams.  Fifteen (15) individual awards per team.


CODE OF CONDUCT - This is a recreational league; players must conduct themselves in a sportsman like manner at all times.  Coaches/Managers are responsible for their teams' conduct


No player, coach, or manager shall:


            1.   At any time lay a hand upon, push, shove, strike, or threaten to strike an umpire.  Zero “0” Tolerance.


            2.   Refuse to abide by an umpire’s decision.


            3.   be guilty of objectionable demonstrations of dissent at an umpire’s decision by throwing of gloves, bats, balls, or any other forceful action.


            4.   be guilty of heaping personal, verbal abuse upon an umpire for any real or imaginary wrong decision or judgment.


            5.   Discuss with the official, in any manner, the decision reached by such umpire; except if he is the captain, manager, or player actually involved.

          6.   be guilty of using unnecessary rough tactics in the play of the game, against the body and person of an opposing player.


            7.   be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor upon player, umpire, or spectator.  Zero “0” Tolerance.


            8.   Be guilty of abusive, verbal attack upon a player, umpire, or spectator.


            9.   Use profane language in any manner or at any time.


          10.   Be guilty of discussion publicly with spectators, in a derogatory manner; regarding any play, decision, or his/her own personal opinion of other players or officials during the game.  Zero “0” Tolerance.


                  Penalty will consist of a warning or ejection from the game, park, or program.


          11. Players caught drinking or smoking on the Field of play will only receive one warning. If caught again that player or players will be ejected from the game and asked to leave the park. Dug outs must be cleaned after each game by, please respect the park and keep the fields and dugouts clean.    



Responsible officials are requested to see that coaches, managers, and players are kept in hand and exercise proper control at all times.  The cooperation of everyone connected with the program is imperative if the program is to achieve the aims and objectives of St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Department.


Only persons directly affiliated with the team will be allowed in the coach’s box.  The dugout or team area is reserved for the team’s players, a sponsor representative, and a batboy.  Coaches, managers, or team captains are asked to keep all others out of their team areas.


The conduct of the coaches, managers, and players is covered by the official rules and these rules will be enforced.  Cursing, throwing of equipment, arguing with the officials, deliberate rough play or other types of unsportsmanlike conduct will not be allowed.


If a player is ejected from a game for one of the above offenses, he will be suspended from the next game that his/her team actually plays.  Forfeits and byes do not count as a game.  For the second offense, the player will be suspended from this league, plus all other activities by the St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Department’s Adult Program for one (1) year.  Any player ejected for the second offense can file a written appeal for reinstatement within a 48-hour period from the time of ejection to the St. Charles Parish Recreation Department for review.


If a player, coach, or manager is ejected, he must leave the immediate area of the game.  He may sit in his vehicle, but not in the stands.  Failure to comply will result in a forfeit of your team’s game.


Following a ball game, if coaches, managers, or players use obscene or indecent language towards an official, threaten him with physical abuse, or is guilty of any type of unsportsmanlike behavior, said person will be brought before the St. Charles Parish Parks and Recreation Department for review.