Softball Rules & Regulations


Updated March 2024 


  1. The cutoff date for league play is April 30 for boys and January 1 for Girls per OTS (Organized Team Sport) Manual Article 20.  

  1. Only newcomers to the parish may be added to the roster after the start of league play.  

  1. All athletes are expected to play within the boundary of their booster club per OTS Manual Article 4.  

  1. Players cannot play in an older age group unless there are no teams in his/her age group within their booster club.  

  1. Rosters will be automatically split at 24 players per OTS Manual Article 4.  

  1. Ground rules pertaining to specific fields should be discussed and agreed upon prior to the start of the game by both coaches and umpires.  

  1. Only coaches, players and scorekeepers are allowed in dugouts. Coaches must have badges from background screening on or in their possession.  

  1. Coaches may not touch the baserunners during a live ball play. In the event the aforementioned occurs, the player will be called out.  

  1. Coaches should have players enter and exit the field briskly to ensure they get the most out of the time allotted for the game.  

  1. Coaches must play all players a minimum of two complete innings.  

  1. Free defensive substitution although teams' bat in rotation. 

  1. All players must play at least two complete innings.  

  1. Coaches reserve the right to not have players participate due to disciplinary infractions and/or consecutive missed practices.  

  1. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their team’s assistant coaches, players, parents and spectators. 

  1. Heckling opposing batters and players is not permitted 


  1. All games will start at their scheduled time. There will be a 15-minute grace period for the first game of the day only. The late arriving team must be on the field and ready to play within 15 minutes of their scheduled time.  

  1. Batting helmets must be worn while batting and running bases. Faceguards are recommended. However, they are optional.  

  1. In addition to the above, baseball coaches should encourage all players to wear protective cups. Baseball catchers will be required to wear a hard protective cup.  

  1. Fake bunts and swings are not allowed. In the event this occurs, the batter is out, the ball is dead, and no base runners will advance. There is no warning given for fake bunts and swings.  

  1. Coaches are responsible for the care of their equipment provided by the St. Charles Parish Department of Parks and Recreation.  

  1. Only the Department of Parks and Recreation can postpone and reschedule games. Games will not be rescheduled due to activities outside of SCPRD programming. This includes vacations, other non-SCPRD affiliated programs, etc.?Games may only be rescheduled to do school events causing teams to not have enough players. However, if teams have the minimum number of players to play, then the game must be played. This includes both regular season and postseason games. Games cancelled due to weather will try to be rescheduled if the calendar of dates allow. Playoff games cancelled due to weather will be rescheduled to the next available playing day. 

  1. Games may be rescheduled if a school function prohibits the team from fielding enough players per OTS Manual Article 15.  

  1. Coaches should check the website in the event of a rainout at -> league schedules. 

  1. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at youth games and practices in St. Charles Parish per OTS Manual Article 32.  

  1. Smoking, vaping, tobacco (dip/chew) will not be allowed on the field, in the dugouts or the bleachers.  

  1. There is to be no loud music played in the dugouts or the stands before the start of the games or during the games. Doing so may result in a team forfeit or ejection of party involved. 

  1. A player will not be allowed to play with any type of plaster or metal cast on any part of their body.  

  1. Players must wear molded cleats or plastic screw in cleats. Metal cleats are not allowed.  

  1. Coaches, players, parents, and spectators are required to adhere to the Department of Parks and Recreation’s rules and regulations. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or up to termination in the program's involvement.  

  1. If a coach, player, or parent is ejected from the game for any type of gross misbehavior including verbal or physical abuse against any other player, coach, official or spectator, they must leave the park immediately and will be required to sit out the next game as well. If a coach or player is ejected from a game a second time for any of the infractions received, they will face disciplinary actions and will not be allowed to coach or play in any recreational program of a matter of two (2) years.  

  1. Before returning to coaching, the coach must complete an online sportsmanship course and submit the certificate of completion to the Department of Parks and Recreation. The course is accessible through Coach’s Corner at  

  1. Any coach player, parent or spectator who physically assaults an official, coach, player or other spectator will be removed from the field or facility and will not be allowed to participate in Recreation Department sponsored events for a period of two (2) years. If any person who is asked to leave the area due to ejection and does not will be subjected to having law enforcement called on them for removal.  

State Law: Louisiana Rev. Stat. Ann. Section 14-34-4 p34.4. Battery of a school or recreation athletic contest official 

A.(1) Battery of a school or recreation athletic contest official is a battery committed without the consent of the victim when the offender has reasonable grounds to believe the victim is a school athletic or recreation contest official actively engaged in the conducting, supervising, refereeing, or officiating of a school-sanctioned interscholastic athletic contest or a sanctioned recreation athletic contest. 

(2) For purposes of this Section, "school athletic contest official" means any referee, umpire, coach, instructor, administrator, staff person, or school or school board employee of any public or private elementary and secondary school. 

(3) For purposes of this Section, "recreation athletic contest official" means any referee, umpire, coach, instructor, administrator, staff person, or recreation employee of any public or quasi-public recreation program. 

B. (1) Whoever commits the crime of battery of a school or recreation athletic contest official shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars and not more than five thousand dollars and imprisoned not less than five days nor more than six months without benefit of suspension of sentence. 

(2) Whoever commits the crime of battery of a school or recreation athletic contest official which results in serious bodily injury to the victim as defined in R.S. 14:34.1(B)(3) shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars and not more than five thousand dollars and imprisoned for not less than ten days nor more than six months. 

(3)(a) In addition to any other penalty imposed, the court shall order the offender to perform forty hours of court-approved community service work. 

(b) In addition to any other penalty imposed, the court shall order the offender to participate in a court-approved counseling program which may include anger management, abusive behavior intervention groups, or any other type of counseling deemed appropriate by the court. Any costs associated with the counseling program shall be borne by the offender. 

(c) Participation in the community service and counseling program required by the provisions of Subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this Paragraph shall not be suspended. 

(d) Failure to successfully complete the community service work and counseling program, as determined by the supervisor of the program to which he is assigned, may result in revocation of probation. 

Acts 1990, No. 675, §1; Acts 1999, No. 1046, §1; Acts 2014, No. 815, §1. 


Coach-Pitch Softball Rules?? 
Updated March 2024 


All coaches shall be an adult of at least eighteen (18) years of age and pass a mandatory background check. 

1A. One (1) team manager and three (3) coaches are allowed to be on the coaching roster for this age group. When a team is on defense, all coaches must remain in their respective dugout.  

Teams should be on the field 15 minutes prior to scheduled game times. 

Only the Department of Parks and Recreation can postpone and reschedule games. Games will not be rescheduled due to activities outside of SCPRD programming. This includes vacations, other non-SCPRD affiliated programs, etc.?Games may only be rescheduled to do school events causing teams to not have enough players. However, if teams have the minimum number of players to play, then the game must be played. This includes both regular season and postseason games. Games cancelled due to weather will try to be rescheduled if the calendar of dates allow. Playoff games cancelled due to weather will be rescheduled to the next available playing day. 

?Use of alcohol, chewing tobacco, dip, smoking, and or vaping on the field or in the dugout is prohibited. Use of these substances may result in a forfeit 


Any fastpitch bat permanently stamped with the official USA or USSA Softball logo is legal to use.  



Bases will be located 60’ apart.  

Coaches will pitch within the circle. The pitcher’s mark will be placed at 35’. The circle will be a minimum of 30’ but will not exceed 42’ with a mound. There shall be a ten (10) foot diameter circle with the front edge at forty-two (42) feet from the rear point of home plate. 

There shall be a line drawn from the pitcher’s circle to the safety arc. 

There shall be a twenty (20) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. 


If a team is ahead by ten (10) runs after four (4) complete innings the game will be called.??If a team is ahead by 15 (15) runs after 3 (3) complete innings the game will be called. 

Games will be one hour and fifteen 15 minutes (1:15) or six (6) innings, whichever comes first (NO NEW INNING WILL START AFTER 1:05).? 


A batted ball must go past the 20-foot fair ball arc line to be considered a fair ball. 

Players must stay behind the 35-foot pitcher’s circle until the ball is hit. 

The pitching Coach shall keep one foot on or straddle the pitcher’s line. The Coach can pitch anywhere between the 30’ Safety Arc and 42’ Pitching Circle.  

5A. The pitching coach shall not verbally or physically coach while in the pitching position.  

The pitching coach shall position himself as not to be an obstruction to the defensive team on any play once the ball has been hit. 

Rule 6A Penalty: If a coach is found to be obstructing play after the ball is pitched, obstruction will be called. If a coach violates this rule before the ball is pitched the following will take place: First Offense: Warning; Second Offense: Removal of coach as pitcher for the remainder of the game 

The catcher shall receive the pitch in the catcher’s box in a normal baseball manner. If, in the Umpire’s judgment, the catcher is not receiving the ball in a normal baseball manner, there shall be a warning issued. If the act continues after the warning, the offending teams’ manager must change the catcher. 

Ten (10) defensive players shall play in the field with four (4) outfielders. The fourth (4th) outfielder shall not assume an infield position. All outfielders shall stay behind the baseline. 

8A. The defensive player listed as pitcher shall not leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit. 

Rule 8A Penalty:?The play continues. After the play ends, the offensive team can take the result of the play or no-pitch. 

Rule 8A: Additional Penalty:?First Offense: Warning; Second Offense: Removal of player from the pitching position for the remainder of the game. 

Defensive coaches shall not be allowed on the field of play and shall coach from the dugout. 

The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time. 

The batting order shall constitute all present players on the team roster at the beginning of the game. Late arrivals shall be inserted at the bottom of the batting order. All players on the roster shall bat before returning to the top of the batting order. 

11A.??Teams may start a game with eight (8) players. The ninth (9th) & tenth (10th) positions in the batting order shall be declared an out each turn at bat. 

Rule 11A. Approved Ruling:?A ninth (9th) & tenth (10th) player and all subsequent players may be added to the bottom of the batting line-up as soon as they become available. 

11B.?Teams may use free substitution on defense, but the batting order shall remain the same. 

11C.?Bunting shall not be allowed. 

11D.?The batter shall receive a maximum of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes. (The bat is extended if the last pitch is hit foul, the 7th pitch must be put in fair territory) 

11E.?A player may only be Intentionally Walked once per game by announcement from the defensive team. 

11F.?When a batted ball hits the Pitching Coach, the following shall apply: 

  • If in the Umpire’s judgment, the coach did not make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the batter is declared out and no runners shall advance. 

  • If in the Umpire’s judgment, the coach did make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the batter will be awarded first base, and runners will advance one (1) base.? 

11G.?If a batter slings his bat, a warning will be given to the team at bat.??After one warning, any player on the warned team who slings his bat will be called out immediately and no runners will advance.??The umpire/coach will be the sole judge of whether the bat was slung or dropped.??This is NOT an appeal play. 


11H. If the batter is hit by a pitch, he or she will?not?be awarded first base. It will be ruled as a no-pitch. If the batter cannot continue the at-bat, the next batter in the lineup will take their place and the count will start over. 


Runners shall not take a lead or steal bases. A runner is out if he leaves the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate. 

12A.?A courtesy runner for catcher of record only the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base. If the batting team has not played defense yet and a courtesy runner is used for a player, the player that was run for must assume the catching position the next inning. This scenario only applies in the first inning for the visiting team. 
12B. Sliding is permitted. However, when a tag play is evident, a runner must slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder and/or catcher. Malicious contact shall supersede all obstruction penalties. Malicious contact is solely up to the discretion of the Umpire.? 

?A team may score a maximum of five (5) runs per inning. An inning consists of 3 outs or 5 runs whichever comes first. 

13A.?The game is over when the opposing team is mathematically eliminated from scoring enough runs to win or tie the game. (Run Rules still apply) 

14. “TIME”  
Umpires shall call “Time” after every play and declare the ball dead. “Time” shall be called as soon as all the runners are not attempting to advance. “Time” does not have to be called by the defense for the purpose of this rule. 

14A.?When a runner stands off a base and “jukes” or “feints” back and forth, this is to be interpreted as “not attempting to advance” and “Time” shall be called. 

All overthrown balls are live unless the ball leaves the field of play, in which case, a one (1) base limit will be given to the runners. This applies to both fenced-in fields and non-fenced in fields. On a non-fenced in field the out of play line, not the foul line, is considered “leaving the field of play”. Any (fair) batted ball that bounces over, rolls through or under a fence will be a ground rule double. 


Interference?will be enforced.??This includes batters and catchers deliberately attempting to distract. 



The field umpire will call plays on the bases.??The home plate umpire shall be Umpire-in-chief for the game and will call fair or foul, plays at home plate, leaving early and assist in calling plays on the bases.??Any thrown ball striking an umpire /coach, in fair territory, is in play. 



Standings will not be kept during the regular season. The end of the season tournament will be determined by a?blind draw. 


Teams will play by regular season rules. However, the 6th inning will be an open inning. ?The games will be 1 hour 15 minutes. An official will allow teams to finish the inning. A certified umpire will be provided during tournament play. 


Games in bracket play will be regular season time limit. The championship game will be?6 innings. The inning must be completed to mark the conclusion of the game. Winner takes all.? 



The below rules should be followed to submit a formal protest during end of season play:  


  1. Call timeout during the next dead ball. 


  1. Inform the umpire and the opposing coach of your intention to protest and why.  

  1. Submit written or typed protest to the recreation department within 24 hours. If sent via traditional mailing methods, protests must be postmarked within 24 hours.  

  1. The protest must include the remaining time left in the game, number of outs, runners on base, etc.  


5A. Player Protest 
In the event of a player protest (questioning the eligibility of a player), the player(s) must put his/her signature and birth date on the opposing team’s scorebook. The protest will be delivered to the recreation department within one working day, and the director of youth sports will rule on the protest. The player may continue to play. The game will be played and completed. 


*Highlights denote rule changes prior to the 2024 season.  


Softball Rules?? 
Updated March 2024 


All coaches shall be an adult of at least eighteen (18) years of age and pass a mandatory background check. 

1A. One (1) team manager and three (3) coaches are allowed to be on the coaching roster for this age group. When a team is on defense, all coaches must remain in their respective dugout.  

Teams should be on the field 15 minutes prior to scheduled game times. 

Only the Department of Parks and Recreation can postpone and reschedule games. Games will not be rescheduled due to activities outside of SCPRD programming. This includes vacations, other non-SCPRD affiliated programs, etc.?Games may only be rescheduled to do school events causing teams to not have enough players. However, if teams have the minimum number of players to play, then the game must be played. This includes both regular season and postseason games. Games cancelled due to weather will try to be rescheduled if the calendar of dates allow. Playoff games cancelled due to weather will be rescheduled to the next available playing day. 

Teams will consist of at least 10 players with four of the 10 playing in the outfield. At least eight players are needed to play. There will be no penalty for having less than 9. Players will be added to the lineup once they arrive.  

The official book will be kept by the home team. Umpires and officials will make final rulings.  

?Use of alcohol, chewing tobacco, dip, smoking, and/or vaping on the field or in the dugout is prohibited. Use of these substances may result in a forfeit. 



All batters must wear a batting helmet when on the field of play, whether as an on-deck hitter, a batter or base runner. Face masks are optional.  

Catchers must wear a facemask, helmet, mitt, chest protector, shin guards and a catcher’s mitt. General fielding gloves will not be permitted 

Pitchers must wear a protective pitching mask. Fielders do not have to wear a protective mask. However, it is strongly encouraged.  

Each team will supply an 11-inch game ball.  

Bases will be placed 60’ apart.  

Players will pitch from 35’.  


Games will be 6 innings or a 1-hour-30-minute drop time.?(No new inning will start after 1:20) Games in Bracket play will be regular season time limit. 

If a team is ahead by 15 runs after three (3) complete innings, the game will be called. If a team is ahead by 10 runs after four (4) complete innings, the game will be called.  

League innings will consist of three (3) outs or five (5) runs.  

Runners cannot leave the base until the ball crosses the plate. The violation by one runner shall affect all runners. Leading off the base is not permitted

4A. Sliding is allowed. However, whenever a tag play is evident, a runner must slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder and/or catcher. Malicious contact shall supersede all obstruction penalties. Malicious contact is solely up to the discretion of the Umpire.  

If malicious contact is determined, the runner will be called out and could be ejected from the game at the Umpire’s discretion.  
A runner who jumps over a player will be called out regardless of contact with the defensive player. 

A dead ball appeal can be appealed directly to the Umpire without the pitcher throwing to the appealed base. Only one dead ball appeal is allowed on any play.  

4B. A courtesy runner for the catcher of record from the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base.  

i. If the batting team has not played defense yet and a courtesy runner is used for a player, the player that was substituted must assume the catching position the next inning. This scenario only applies in the first inning for the visiting team.  

4C. In the event a ball is overthrown, and the ball goes out of play, the runner will advance to one base. 


5A. In the event first base is unoccupied or if there are two outs with a runner on first, batters are allowed to advance on a third strike if the catcher drops the ball. 

5B. If a batter is hit by a pitch, he or she will be awarded first base. 

5C. Bunting is permitted. However, fake bunting followed by an attempted swing, or a “slash” bunt is not allowed. Should someone attempt a fake bunt, the ball will be ruled dead, the batter will be out, and no runners will advance.  

5D. If a batter slings his bat, a warning will be given to the team at bat. After one warning, any player on the warned team who slings his bat will be called out immediately and no runners will advance. The umpire will be the sole judge of whether the bat was slung or dropped. This is not an appeal play. 

5E. Any fair batted ball that bounces over, goes through or under a fence will be ruled a ground rule double.  

The infield fly rule will be in effect.  

Interference will be enforced. This includes both batters and catchers deliberately attempting to distract.  

Coaches are responsible for keeping a record of their team’s pitch count. Teams must designate a coach or a parent to keep a record of a player’s pitch count. Their record will be kept and enforced for all competitions including the postseason.  
8A. Illegal pitches will not be enforced. However, pitchers will receive warnings on violations.  

8B. Mandatory Days of Rest 
i. A pitcher may not pitch in more than 10 innings per calendar week. The calendar week runs Monday – end of day Sunday.  

8C. Pitching Fundamentals 
i. Prior to the pitch, the pitcher shall take a position with their pivot foot in contact with the pitcher’s mound and their non-pivot foot in contact with or behind the pitcher’s mound. Both feet must be on the ground within or partially within the 24-inch length of the pitcher’s mound. The hands must be apart. The pitcher may not take the pitching position on the pitcher’s mound without possession of the ball, and the pitcher may not simulate pitching with or without the ball when near the pitcher’s mound. 

ii. Preliminary to pitching, the pitcher must take a position with the ball in the glove or pitching hand, with the hands separated. 

iii. While in this position, the pitcher shall take (or simulate taking) a signal from the catcher. 

iv. After completing “C” above, the pitcher shall bring the hands together in front of the body for not more than 10 seconds before releasing the ball. The hands may be motionless or moving. NOTE: Before the pitch starts, the pitcher may remove themselves from the pitching position by stepping back from the pitcher’s mound with both feet (either foot may be removed first) or by requesting time. 

v. The Pitch:?1. The pitch begins and cannot be discontinued when the hands are separated once they have been placed together. 2. Any step back with the non-pivot foot must begin before the start of the pitch (6.1.E.1). Once the pitch has started (the hands separate), the pitcher shall take not more than one step which must be forward, toward the batter and simultaneous with the delivery. EXCEPTION: When removing self from the pitcher’s position 6.1.D NOTE) NOTE: “Toward” is interpreted as within or partially within the 24- inch length of the pitcher’s mound. 3. The pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitcher’s mound or push off and drag away from the pitcher’s mound or be airborne prior to the non-pivot foot touching the ground. The pitcher may leap from the pitcher’s mound, land with the non-pivot foot and with a continuous motion deliver the ball to the batter. The pivoting foot may follow through with the pitcher’s continuous motion. 16th Edition (Printed 1-2022) 35 NOTE 1: It is not a step if the pitcher slides their pivot foot in any direction on the pitcher’s mound, provided contact is maintained. NOTE 2: The pitcher’s push off to drag, or leap must start from the pitcher’s mound. The pitcher must not crow hop or push off from any place other than the pitcher’s mound. NOTE 3: All movement of the pitching arm must be continuous as the pitcher steps, pushes or leaps from the pitcher’s mound. 

vi. A LEGAL DELIVERY?- shall be a pitched ball that is delivered to the batter with an underhand motion. 1. The release of the ball and the follow-through of the hand and wrist must be forward past the vertical line of the body. 2. The hand shall be below the hip and the wrist not farther from the body than the elbow. 3. The pitch shall be delivered on the throwing arm side of the body and not behind the back or between the legs. 4. The pitch is completed with a step toward the batter. 

vii. THE PITCHER MAY USE ANY WINDUP DESIRED PROVIDED: 1. No motion to pitch is made without immediately delivering the ball to the batter. 2. The pitcher does not use a rocker action in which, after having the ball in both hands in pitching position, the pitcher removes one hand from the ball, takes a backward and forward swing and returns the ball to both hands in front of the body. 3. The pitcher does not use a windup in which there is a stop or reversal of the forward motion. 4. The pitcher does not make more than one- and one-half revolutions of the arm in the windmill pitch. A pitcher may drop the pitching arm to the side and to the rear before starting the windmill motion. The ball does not have to be released the first time past the hip. 5. The pitcher does not continue to wind up after taking the forward step or after the ball is released. NOTE: Continuation of the windup is considered any action that, after the ball is released, causes the arm to continue to rotate past the shoulder. 

viii. The pitcher shall not wear any item on the pitching hand, wrist, arm, or thigh that the Umpire judges to be distracting. If a pitcher wears a batting helmet while on defense, the outer covering and shield shall be a nonglare surface. 

ix. Foreign Substance on the ball/Items on pitcher. The pitcher shall not at any time be allowed to use any moisture or foreign substance on the ball, the pitching hand, or fingers nor do anything to deface the ball. A pitcher who licks their fingers must wipe the fingers off before bringing them in contact with the ball. 1. Under the supervision and control of the Umpire, the pitcher may use following items to dry the hand which is in contact with the ball: dirt 36 16th Edition (Printed 1-2022) (but not chalk), powdered resin, or an approved drying agent. When using these items, the pitcher is not required to wipe the hand prior to contacting the ball; when using any other substance, the pitcher must wipe the pitching hand prior to contacting the ball. No tacky or sticky substances can be used as a substitute for a powdered drying agent. No other player or team personnel shall apply moisture or a foreign substance to the ball nor do anything to deface the ball. 2. The pitcher’s fingers, hand, wrist, forearm, or elbow may be taped for injury, providing such tape is a neutral color. EFFECT Sec 1. A – I – Illegal Pitch 

x. The pitcher shall not deliberately drop, roll, bounce, etc., the ball while in the pitching position to prevent the batter from striking it. PENALTY: The ball is dead at the end of playing action. The batter is awarded a ball which may be declined by the offensive coach. FIRST OFFENSE is a team warning. SECOND OFFENSE and any subsequent violation the offender is restricted to the bench for the remainder of the game and their current head coach shall be ejected. 

xi. Once the ball has been returned to the pitcher to prepare for the next pitch or the Umpire says “play”, the pitcher has 20 seconds to release the next pitch. PENALTY: Dead ball; a ball on the batter. 

xii. At the beginning of an inning or when a pitcher relieves another pitcher, one minute may be used to deliver not more than five practice pitches (or throws) to the catcher, or some other teammate. For excessive warm-up pitches (or throws), a pitcher shall be penalized by awarding a ball to the batter for each pitch over five. EXCEPTION: This does not apply if the umpire delays the start of play due to substitution, conference, injuries, or other umpire responsibilities. A pitcher returning to pitch in the same half-inning shall not be allowed warm-up pitches. 

xiii. If the ball slips from the pitcher’s hand during the back swing or forward motion, a ball is called on the batter. In either case, the ball remains in play and runners may advance at their own risk.  

8D. One pitch shall constitute an inning pitched.  

8E. Any pitcher may return to the mound to pitch once after originally removed but remaining in the game.  

8F. If a pitcher issues 4 consecutive walks, a coach from the batting team will come in to complete the inning. The pitcher may start the next inning. However, if 4 consecutive walks occur once more, the pitcher will be removed from the position and cannot return to the game as a pitcher.  

i. When a coach comes into the pitch, the batter will receive 5 pitches. If the batter hits a foul ball on the fifth pitch, they will receive another pitch. The ball must be put into play in fair territory on the sixth pitch. Otherwise, the batter will be declared out.  

Championship game will be?6 innings with the 6-inning open or a 1:45 time limit. (No new inning will start after 1:35). Must finish the inning. Winner takes all.? 


Standings will not be kept during the regular season. The end of the season tournament will be determined by a?blind draw. 



The below rules should be followed to submit a formal protest during end of season play:  


  1. Call timeout during the next dead ball.  

  1. Inform the umpire and the opposing coach of your intention to protest and why.  

  1. Submit written or typed protest to the recreation department within 24 hours. If sent via traditional mailing methods, protests must be postmarked within 24 hours.  

  1. The protest must include the remaining time left in the game, number of outs, runners on base, etc.  


3A. Player Protest 
In the event of a player protest (questioning the eligibility of a player), the player(s) must put his/her signature and birth date on the opposing team’s scorebook. The protest will be delivered to the recreation department within one working day, and the director of youth sports will rule on the protest. The player may continue to play. The game will be played and completed. 


Softball Rules?? 
Updated March 2024 


All coaches shall be an adult of at least eighteen (18) years of age and pass a mandatory background check.  

1A. One (1) team manager and three (3) coaches are allowed to be on the coaching roster for this age group. When a team is on defense, all coaches must remain in their respective dugout.  

Teams should be at the field 15 minutes prior to scheduled game times. 

Only the Department of Parks and Recreation can postpone and reschedule games. Games will not be rescheduled due to activities outside of SCPRD programming. This includes vacations, other non-SCPRD affiliated programs, etc.?Games may only be rescheduled to do school events causing teams to not have enough players. However, if teams have the minimum number of players to play, then the game must be played. This includes both regular season and postseason games. Games cancelled due to weather will try to be rescheduled if the calendar of dates allow. Playoff games cancelled due to weather will be rescheduled to the next available playing day. 

Teams will consist of at least nine players with three of the nine playing in the outfield. At least eight players are needed to play. There will be no penalty for having less than 9. Players will be added to the lineup once they arrive.  

The official book will be kept by the home team. Umpires and officials will make final rulings.  

?Use of alcohol, chewing tobacco, dip, smoking, and/or vaping on the field or in the dugout is prohibited. Use of these substances may result in a forfeit. 



All batters must wear a batting helmet when on the field of play, whether as an on-deck hitter, a batter or base runner. Face masks are optional.  

Catchers must wear a facemask, helmet, mitt, chest protector, shin guards and a catcher’s mitt. General fielding gloves will not be permitted 

Pitchers must wear a protective pitching mask. Fielders do not have to wear a protective mask. However, it is strongly encouraged.  

Each team will supply a 12-inch game ball.  

Bases will be placed 60’ apart.  

Players will pitch from 40’.  


Games will be 6 innings or a 1-hour-30-minute drop time.?(No new inning will start after 1:20) Games in Bracket play will be regular season time limit. 

If a team is ahead by 15 runs after three (3) complete innings, the game will be called. If a team is ahead by 10 runs after four (4) complete innings, the game will be called.  

League innings will consist of three (3) outs. (Update 4/20/24.. the 11-13 girls do not have a 5 run rule that is only for the 9-10 girls age group) 

Runners cannot leave the bases until the ball is released. The violation by one runner shall affect all runners. Leading off the base is not permittedStealing is allowed in this age group.  

4A. Sliding is allowed. However, whenever a tag play is evident, a runner must slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder and/or catcher. Malicious contact shall supersede all obstruction penalties. Malicious contact is solely up to the discretion of the Umpire.  

If malicious contact is determined, the runner will be called out and could be ejected from the game at the Umpire’s discretion.  
A runner who jumps over a player will be called out regardless of contact with the defensive player. 

A dead ball appeal can be appealed directly to the Umpire without the pitcher throwing to the appealed base. Only one dead ball appeal is allowed on any play.  

4B. A courtesy runner for the catcher of record from the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base.  

i. If the batting team has not played defense yet and a courtesy runner is used for a player, the player that was substituted must assume the catching position the next inning. This scenario only applies in the first inning for the visiting team.  

4C. In the event a ball is overthrown, and the ball goes out of play, the runner will advance to one base. 


5A. In the event first base is unoccupied or if there are two outs with a runner on first, batters are allowed to advance on a third strike if the catcher drops the ball. 

5B. If a batter is hit by a pitch, he or she will be awarded first base. 

5C. Bunting is permitted. However, fake bunting followed by an attempted swing, or a “slash” bunt is not allowed. Should someone attempt a fake bunt, the ball will be ruled dead, the batter will be out, and no runners will advance.  

5D. If a batter slings his bat, a warning will be given to the team at bat. After one warning, any player on the warned team who slings his bat will be called out immediately and no runners will advance. The umpire will be the sole judge of whether the bat was slung or dropped. This is not an appeal play. 

5E. Any fair batted ball that bounces over, goes through or under a fence will be ruled a ground rule double.  

The infield fly rule will be in effect.  

Interference will be enforced. This includes both batters and catchers deliberately attempting to distract.  

Coaches are responsible for keeping a record of their team’s pitch count. Teams must designate a coach or a parent to keep a record of a player’s pitch count. Their record will be kept and enforced for all competitions including the postseason.  
8A. Illegal pitches will be enforced.  

8B. Mandatory Days of Rest 
i. There are no restrictions for this age group.  

8C. Pitching Fundamentals 
i. Prior to the pitch, the pitcher shall take a position with their pivot foot in contact with the pitcher’s mound and their non-pivot foot in contact with or behind the pitcher’s mound. Both feet must be on the ground within or partially within the 24-inch length of the pitcher’s mound. The hands must be apart. The pitcher may not take the pitching position on the pitcher’s mound without possession of the ball, and the pitcher may not simulate pitching with or without the ball when near the pitcher’s mound. 

ii. Preliminary to pitching, the pitcher must take a position with the ball in the glove or pitching hand, with the hands separated. 

iii. While in this position, the pitcher shall take (or simulate taking) a signal from the catcher. 

iv. After completing “C” above, the pitcher shall bring the hands together in front of the body for not more than 10 seconds before releasing the ball. The hands may be motionless or moving. NOTE: Before the pitch starts, the pitcher may remove themselves from the pitching position by stepping back from the pitcher’s mound with both feet (either foot may be removed first) or by requesting time. 

v. The Pitch:?1. The pitch begins and cannot be discontinued when the hands are separated once they have been placed together. 2. Any step back with the non-pivot foot must begin before the start of the pitch (6.1.E.1). Once the pitch has started (the hands separate), the pitcher shall take not more than one step which must be forward, toward the batter and simultaneous with the delivery. EXCEPTION: When removing self from the pitcher’s position 6.1.D NOTE) NOTE: “Toward” is interpreted as within or partially within the 24- inch length of the pitcher’s mound. 3. The pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitcher’s mound or push off and drag away from the pitcher’s mound or be airborne prior to the non-pivot foot touching the ground. The pitcher may leap from the pitcher’s mound, land with the non-pivot foot and with a continuous motion deliver the ball to the batter. The pivoting foot may follow through with the pitcher’s continuous motion. 16th Edition (Printed 1-2022) 35 NOTE 1: It is not a step if the pitcher slides their pivot foot in any direction on the pitcher’s mound, provided contact is maintained. NOTE 2: The pitcher’s push off to drag, or leap must start from the pitcher’s mound. The pitcher must not crow hop or push off from any place other than the pitcher’s mound. NOTE 3: All movement of the pitching arm must be continuous as the pitcher steps, pushes or leaps from the pitcher’s mound. 

vi. A LEGAL DELIVERY?- shall be a pitched ball that is delivered to the batter with an underhand motion. 1. The release of the ball and the follow-through of the hand and wrist must be forward past the vertical line of the body. 2. The hand shall be below the hip and the wrist not farther from the body than the elbow. 3. The pitch shall be delivered on the throwing arm side of the body and not behind the back or between the legs. 4. The pitch is completed with a step toward the batter. 

vii. THE PITCHER MAY USE ANY WINDUP DESIRED PROVIDED: 1. No motion to pitch is made without immediately delivering the ball to the batter. 2. The pitcher does not use a rocker action in which, after having the ball in both hands in pitching position, the pitcher removes one hand from the ball, takes a backward and forward swing and returns the ball to both hands in front of the body. 3. The pitcher does not use a windup in which there is a stop or reversal of the forward motion. 4. The pitcher does not make more than one- and one-half revolutions of the arm in the windmill pitch. A pitcher may drop the pitching arm to the side and to the rear before starting the windmill motion. The ball does not have to be released the first time past the hip. 5. The pitcher does not continue to wind up after taking the forward step or after the ball is released. NOTE: Continuation of the windup is considered any action that, after the ball is released, causes the arm to continue to rotate past the shoulder. 

viii. The pitcher shall not wear any item on the pitching hand, wrist, arm, or thigh that the Umpire judges to be distracting. If a pitcher wears a batting helmet while on defense, the outer covering and shield shall be a nonglare surface. 

ix. Foreign Substance on the ball/Items on pitcher. The pitcher shall not at any time be allowed to use any moisture or foreign substance on the ball, the pitching hand, or fingers nor do anything to deface the ball. A pitcher who licks their fingers must wipe the fingers off before bringing them in contact with the ball. 1. Under the supervision and control of the Umpire, the pitcher may use following items to dry the hand which is in contact with the ball: dirt 36 16th Edition (Printed 1-2022) (but not chalk), powdered resin, or an approved drying agent. When using these items, the pitcher is not required to wipe the hand prior to contacting the ball; when using any other substance, the pitcher must wipe the pitching hand prior to contacting the ball. No tacky or sticky substances can be used as a substitute for a powdered drying agent. No other player or team personnel shall apply moisture or a foreign substance to the ball nor do anything to deface the ball. 2. The pitcher’s fingers, hand, wrist, forearm, or elbow may be taped for injury, providing such tape is a neutral color. EFFECT Sec 1. A – I – Illegal Pitch 

x. The pitcher shall not deliberately drop, roll, bounce, etc, the ball while in the pitching position to prevent the batter from striking it. PENALTY: The ball is dead at the end of playing action. The batter is awarded a ball which may be declined by the offensive coach. FIRST OFFENSE is a team warning. SECOND OFFENSE and any subsequent violation the offender is restricted to the bench for the remainder of the game and their current head coach shall be ejected. 

xi. Once the ball has been returned to the pitcher to prepare for the next pitch or the Umpire says “play,” the pitcher has 20 seconds to release the next pitch. PENALTY: Dead ball; a ball on the batter. 

xii. At the beginning of an inning or when a pitcher relieves another pitcher, one minute may be used to deliver not more than five practice pitches (or throws) to the catcher, or some other teammate. For excessive warm-up pitches (or throws), a pitcher shall be penalized by awarding a ball to the batter for each pitch over five. EXCEPTION: This does not apply if the umpire delays the start of play due to substitution, conference, injuries, or other umpire responsibilities. A pitcher returning to pitch in the same half-inning shall not be allowed warm-up pitches. 

xiii. If the ball slips from the pitcher’s hand during the back swing or forward motion, a ball is called on the batter. In either case, the ball remains in play and runners may advance at their own risk.  

8D. One pitch shall constitute an inning pitched.  

8E. Any pitcher may return to the mound to pitch once after originally removed but remaining in the game.  

8F. If a pitcher issues 4 consecutive walks, a coach from the batting team will come in to complete the inning. The pitcher may start the next inning. However, if 4 consecutive walks occur once more, the pitcher will be removed from the position and cannot return to the game as a pitcher.  

i. When a coach comes into pitch, the batter will receive 5 pitches. If the batter hits a foul ball on the fifth pitch, they will receive another pitch. The ball must be put into play in fair territory on the sixth pitch. Otherwise, the batter will be declared out.  

Championship game will be?6 innings with the 6-inning open or a 1:45 time limit. (No new inning will start after 1:35). Must finish the inning. Winner takes all.? 


Standings will not be kept during the regular season. The end of the season tournament will be determined by a?blind draw. 



The below rules should be followed to submit a formal protest during end of season play:  


  1. Call timeout during the next dead ball. 

  1. Inform the umpire and the opposing coach of your intention to protest and why. 


  1. Submit written or typed protest to the recreation department within 24 hours. If sent via traditional mailing methods, protests must be postmarked within 24 hours.  

  1. The protest must include the remaining time left in the game, number of outs, runners on base, etc.  


3A. Player Protest 
In the event of a player protest (questioning the eligibility of a player), the player(s) must put his/her signature and birth date on the opposing team’s scorebook. The protest will be delivered to the recreation department within one working day, and the director of youth sports will rule on the protest. The player may continue to play. The game will be played and completed. 



SCP End of the Season Tournament Rules and Regulations 

AGES 9-13 YR? 

Blind Draw / Time Limit Games 

  • Games in BRACKET PLAY will be regular season rule time limit. The inning will be completed. 

Championship game?will go as followed:  Regular Season Time rules will apply to all championship games  


7-8yr: 6 innings with the 6 innings being open;?and a?2 Hour Time Limit. Must finish the inning.?Winner Take All 


9-10yr: 6 innings with the 6 innings being open,?and a?1:45 drop time. (No new inning after 1:30) Must finish the inning. Winner takes all. 


11-13 yr: 7 innings,?and a?1:45 drop time. (No new inning after 1:30) Must finish the inning. Winner takes all? 


2. Pitching Rules: 

  • There are?no pitching limits in?10U, 12U, 13U divisions.? 

  • Only the starting pitcher may re-enter the game to pitch. Once the starting pitcher is removed from the mound a second time that pitcher can no longer pitch in that game. 

?Forfeit Rules: If a team forfeits a game they will be placed into the loser’s bracket, if they forfeit 2 games they will be eliminated from the tournament. 

In the event of a tie game, the game will go into extra innings. Meaning,?an additional inning will be played. If?neither the visitor nor home?team scores within that inning, an additional inning will be played. However, the batting team will start out with 1 out and a runner on second base. If the visiting team scores, the home team will be awarded an at bat with the same criteria 1 out and a runner on second. 3 outs will consist of an inning. This will continue until a winner is determined. 

?All other regular season rules and regulations will apply to the end of the season tournament.?